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The OnlyPrompts Playbook: A Comprehensive User Guide

OnlyPrompts OnlyPrompts
AI Prompt Company
| Sep 16 | 11 min read
The OnlyPrompts Playbook: A Comprehensive User Guide
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Hey there, prompt enthusiasts! Welcome to the OnlyPrompts User Guide

Whether you’re a creative professional, a tech enthusiast, or just anyone who wants to utilize the power of LLMs for their daily tasks, this guide is your gateway to mastering OnlyPrompts—the ultimate prompt space you need for refined and effective prompts.

Dive in to discover how our platform can revolutionize your workflow, spark creativity, and boost productivity with ease. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of OnlyPrompts! 

OnlyPrompts homepage

Introduction to OnlyPrompts

There is a prompt for anything, and chances are, you can find it here – OnlyPrompts, the ultimate destination for all your prompt needs.

  • A galaxy of prompts: Imagine a library where every shelf is overflowing with 150K+ prompts, perfectly tailored for 37K+ tasks across several professions. From writing your next bestseller to debugging that pesky code, we’ve got a prompt for that.
  • AI model mixer: Test run your prompts with different AI models like GPT, Claude, and more, all without leaving the app. Mix and match outputs to find the AI model that speaks your language (literally).
  • Prompt updates galore: Our library is constantly evolving, with fresh prompts added regularly. Keep your prompt game fresh and on point with the latest and greatest additions.
  • Easy prompt request: Can’t find the prompt for a certain task? No worries! Request new prompts right from the app. Our team of prompt wizards will conjure up exactly what you need. Your wish is our command.

Prompt Packs Page

This is a gateway to exploring the vast library of prompts OnlyPrompts has to offer. Here, you can dive deep into our extensive collection and find the perfect prompts tailored to your needs without even having to login.

Prompts pack preview

Let’s take a closer look at what you can do on this page:

  • Explore the collection: Scroll through our extensive library of prompt packs, each designed to cater to different tasks and industries.
  • Refine your search: Use our powerful filtering options to narrow down the prompts by industry, department, role, interest. You can set multiple filters at once for more accurate results.
    • Industry: Sector where a company operates (e.g., F&B, healthcare)

    • Department: Specialized division within a company (e.g., HR, marketing)

    • Role: Specific job position or function (e.g., social media specialist, store manager)

    • Interest: Areas of personal or professional passion (e.g., baking, mixology)

  • Get the full picture: Click on any prompt pack to view detailed information, including a description, examples, and the tasks it covers.
  • Try before you commit: Curious about how a prompt will work? Test run prompts with different AI models right from the page. Note: You’ll need to login and start your free trial first to access this feature.

Not Finding What You Need?

  • Modify search terms: If your initial search doesn’t yield the desired results, try tweaking your search terms. Broaden or narrow your criteria to discover different prompts that might be a better fit.
  • Leave requests: Still can’t find what you’re looking for? No problem! Leave a request for new prompts here.

Blog Page

This is a page for discovering informative articles and insights about prompts, AI, and OnlyPrompts’ use cases across various industries. Here, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the world of prompts and AI.

Now, curious about how OnlyPrompts works its magic? In the next sections, we’ll take you on a journey through our seamless workflow.

How to Use Prompt Playground

Here, we’ll guide you through OnlyPrompts’ advanced features that can only be accessed through a free trial or a paid plan. Let’s start by logging in, following the steps, and making the most out of OnlyPrompts!

Look through Main Dashboard

OnlyPrompts main dashboard

  • Browse and filter: The main dashboard lists out a plethora of tasks for you to explore and find prompts tailored to your specific tasks and industry using the filtering options (industry, department, role, interest). You can set multiple filters at once for more accurate results.
    • Industry: Sector where a company operates (e.g., F&B, healthcare)

    • Department: Specialized division within a company (e.g., HR, marketing)

    • Role: Specific job position or function (e.g., engineer, manager)

    • Interest: Areas of personal or professional passion (e.g., technology, writing)

  • Leave a request: Again, if you can’t find the prompt or task you need, don’t hesitate to leave a request here. Our team will work on adding it to the library.

Pick a Task

Choose the task you want to work on from the available sections in the library by simply clicking on it. You will then be navigated to the prompt playground, where magic happens! 

Decide on the Most Suitable AI Models

Selecting the most suitable AI model for your project involves evaluating three key factors: the objective and task type, computational resources, and AI credit requirements.

The next section will give you a comprehensive breakdown.

Decide on the Most Suitable Prompt

To determine the most suitable prompt for a given task, follow these concise steps to evaluate and refine your options effectively:

  • Define criteria: Relevance, accuracy, creativity, clarity, conciseness, and consistency.
  • Collect responses: Run each prompt and gather responses.
  • Quality evaluation: Score each response on a scale (e.g., 1-5) based on criteria.
  • User feedback: Get feedback from users or stakeholders, and conduct A/B testing if needed.
  • Iterate and refine: Choose the highest-scoring prompt or refine it, combining elements if necessary.

The next section will give you more information on each step.

Run Prompts

Now’s the fun part, you get to see the results!

  • Fill in parameters: Customize the prompt by filling in any required parameters to tailor it to your needs.
  • Pick AI models: Select from various AI models like GPT or Claude to run your prompt.

Pick AI models

  • Run prompt: Execute the prompt to see the results generated by the chosen AI model.
  • Customize prompts (optional): Modify the prompts to better suit your requirements.
  • Use in chat: Utilize the Use in Chat feature to interact with AI models directly using the prompts.
  • Save prompts: Save your favorite prompts for easy access and future use.

Add prompts to favorite

  • Feedback for prompts (optional): Provide feedback on the prompts to help us improve and refine them.

Suggested Task

Our Suggested Task tab is designed to enhance your workflow efficiency by recommending the next, previous, or related tasks based on your activities on our app.

By utilizing this tab, you can streamline your workflow in the following ways:

  • Stay on track: Keep your projects moving forward without missing a beat. The next task suggestions help you maintain momentum and ensure you’re always progressing.
  • Efficient backtracking: Quickly revisit and refine previous steps with ease. This is especially useful for iterative processes where adjustments are frequently needed.
  • Enhanced context: Gain additional insights and support from related tasks. This can provide new perspectives and resources that enhance your current project.

Suggested tab

Decide on the Most Suitable AI Models

Selecting the most suitable AI model for your project involves evaluating various factors to ensure alignment with your objectives and constraints. Here are some key considerations:

Objective and Task Type

Understanding your objective is the first step. Are you dealing with text generation, image creation, classification, regression, or something else? Different AI models are optimized for different tasks:

  • GPT models: Ideal for versatile text-based tasks like content generation, translation, summarization, question-answering, etc.
    • For more complex queries and accurate, nuanced responses, GPT-4.0 Turbo will be the best choice. This model is great at following step-by-step instructions, reasoning, and recognizing logical fallacies.

    • For quick and human-like answers, you would want to employ GPT-4o as this model is optimized for performance and efficiency.

  • Claude Haiku and Claude Sonnet: Claude 3 models stand out with their expanded context window, which significantly enhances their ability to grasp complex and lengthy information. They’re currently the best for creative writing tasks (storytelling, consistent tone of voice, character building, etc).
    • Claude Sonnet balances out intelligence and speed.

    • Like GPT-4o, Claude Haiku is a compact model that gives near-instant answers.

  • Claude Opus: Engineered for handling highly complex tasks (such as interactive coding, drug discovery, advanced analysis of financials and market trends, forecasting, etc.), Claude Opus boasts exceptional performance, intelligence, fluency, and comprehension. It offers premier capabilities across various domains.
  • Gemini: Capable of processing multiple data types, enabling tasks like image analysis, video summarization, and music creation from prompts. It also can think and analyze critically, while also in touch with Google search real-time text-based data (except for Gemini 1.0 Pro), making it ideal for problem-solving, decision-making, and addressing complex questions.
    • Gemini 1.5 Pro costs 20 times more than Gemini 1.0 Pro for both input and output, attributed to its superior ability to handle larger and more complex data sets, as well as multimodal processing.

    • In contrast, Gemini 1.5 Flash has the same input and output costs as Gemini 1.0 Pro but boasts the fastest processing speeds, making it ideal for high-volume, latency-critical tasks. 

  • DALL-E: Perfect for generating high-quality images from textual descriptions.

AI Credit Requirement

Each AI model will cost you a different amount of AI credits, so planning your usage around how many credits you have is essential.

Refer to the last section of this article for more information.

Decide on the Most Suitable Prompt

To determine which prompt is the best fit for a given task, you can follow a systematic evaluation process. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

Define Evaluation Criteria

Establish clear criteria based on what you need from the prompts. Common criteria might include:

  • Relevance: How closely the response matches the task requirements.
  • Accuracy: The correctness of the information provided, in other words, the absence of any factual errors or irrelevant information.
  • Creativity: The level of originality and innovation in the response.
  • Clarity: How clear and understandable the response is.
  • Conciseness: Whether the response is succinct and to the point.
  • Consistency: Consistency in tone and style of writing with the intended use case.

Feel free to add or remove any criteria to better suit your needs.

Collect Responses

Run each of the five prompts through with the suitable AI model and collect the responses. 

Quality Evaluation

Score each response based on the criteria you've defined. You can use a simple rating scale (e.g., 1-5) for each criterion.



Relevance (1-5)

Accuracy (1-5)

Creativity (1-5)

Clarity (1-5)

Conciseness (1-5)

Consistency (1-5)

Total Score

Prompt 1








Prompt 2








Prompt 3








Prompt 4








Prompt 5









User Feedback

If applicable, gather feedback from end users or stakeholders who will be using the output of the prompts. Their insights can help in understanding real-world effectiveness.

For tasks that involve user interaction, conduct A/B testing. Present different users with responses generated by different prompts and analyze their interactions and preferences.

Iterate and Refine

Based on the evaluations, choose the one if the highest score and/or refine it if needed. You may find that combining elements from different prompts or making slight adjustments can lead to better performance.

How to Use the Chat Panel?

The chat panel in OnlyPrompts is a powerful feature that allows users to run prompts on actual AI models and refine the results as needed.

You can access the chat panel in two ways: from the main dashboard or the prompt playground.

To access it from the main dashboard, log in to your OnlyPrompts account and click the Chat Box button at the bottom right of the screen. This will open the chat panel, enabling you to start interacting with the AI models.

Activate chat panel

Alternatively, choose a task in the main dashboard. You will find a Use in Chat button in each prompt box in the prompt playground. Clicking on that will also launch the chat panel, running that specific prompt immediately.

Use prompts in chat

In the chat panel, you can interact with various AI models, including GPT, Claude, DALL-E, etc. To change between AI models, use the small dropdown button located at the top right of the chat bar.

The AI model will process your prompt, whether you paste the prompt straight into the chatbox or click on Use in Chat, and display the generated response in the chat panel.

If the initial response is not satisfactory, you can refine the prompt using the Improve dropdown list at the top left of the chat bar. This list offers options such as Summarize, Longer, Shorter, etc., to guide the AI model more accurately.

Refine chat output

Alternatively, you can provide feedback to the AI model in your own words to refine the results further.

Which Paid Plan Should I Go for?

Choosing the right plan can be tricky, but we’ve got you covered! Here’s a quick breakdown to help you decide which option suits your needs and budget best.

LTD Plans (Lifetime Deals)

  • No recurring fees – pay once, enjoy forever!
  • Access to all prompts and advanced features (prompt testing, use in chat with AI models, etc.)
  • Choose from three options: Basic, Pro, or Advanced

→ LTD plans are ideal for those looking for long-term savings, especially small business owners, who require a variety of prompts for different tasks across multiple functions. For the long haul, LTD plans are definitely the most budget-friendly option, giving you maximum value over time.

Subscription Plans

  • More affordable upfront
  • Same benefits as LTD plans with monthly or annual pricing
  • Also available in three tiers: Basic, Pro, or Advanced

→ Subscriptions are great if you are not sure if this is your right fit and prefer a lower upfront cost while also requiring different prompts for various tasks.

Subscription plans

Prompt Packs

  • Cheapest option
  • $19 per pack – a one-time purchase
  • No monthly credits, so you won’t be able to test the prompts with different AI models inside the app

→ Prompt packs are perfect for those who only need specific prompts for certain professions and have already paid for an AI subscription outside.

Prompt packs

One Time Credits

  • One time purchase
  • Used to test prompts with different AI models
  • Buy as you go depending on your needs

 → One time credits will be suitable if you’ve either bought individual prompt packs and want to use advanced features only for those prompts, or bought a lifetime or subscription plan and used up your monthly AI credits.

One time AI credit

Credit Explained 

What Are AI Credits?

AI credits are your virtual currency within OnlyPrompts, designed to unlock powerful features and elevate your creative process. Here’s what you can do with them:

  • Conduct test runs: Experiment with various prompts to identify the most effective ones, ensuring your projects are always top-notch.
  • Interact with AI models: Engage with a diverse range of AI models directly within the app, exploring different capabilities and outputs.

How AI Credits Work

Different AI models have varying credit costs, reflecting their complexity and capabilities. To make the most of the credits you have, it’s important to understand when to use each model:

  • Basic models: GPT-3.5 Turbo and Claude 3 Haiku are cost-effective, requiring minimal credits. These models are perfect for simple tasks, frequent testing, and quick iterations, allowing you to refine your prompts without breaking the bank.
  • Advanced models: GPT-40, GPT-4.0 Turbo Vision and Claude 3 Sonnet require more credits per interaction. These models offer enhanced capabilities and sophisticated outputs, making them ideal for more complex projects that demand higher quality and precision.
  • Premium models: Claude 3 Opus and Dall E 3 are the most credit-intensive, but they bring unparalleled features and high-quality outputs to the table. Whether you’re generating detailed images or crafting intricate narratives, these models provide the premium experience.

Details in the table below:


Cost per run/message

Gemini 1.0 Pro

0.5 credit

Gemini 1.5 Flash

1 credit

GPT3.5 Turbo 1106

1 credit

Claude 3 Haiku

1 credit

GPT 4o

5 credits

Gemini 1.5 Pro

10 credits

GPT4.0 Turbo Vision

10 credits

Claude 3 Sonnet

10 credits


30 credits

Claude 3 Opus

50 credits


Thank you for exploring OnlyPrompts! We hope this guide helps you make the most of our tool to automate your daily tasks to make space for things that matter more.

Happy creating!


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